How To Use the “Up” Keyboard Shortcut

By 07/02/2012How To

Hello lovely people 🙂

In this installment of the computer repairs blog we will talk about using the “Up” keyboard shortcut.

Is everyone driven as insane as I am that Windows 7 and Vista do not have an UP button???? (Deep breath …another deep breath)

Fear not! We have found a keyboard shortcut replacement.

While I am in my x:wpmuwp-content directory I can usually click the “wpmu” part of the path and simulate the Up button, but it doesn’t always work, especially if I’ve tiled two windows beside each other or lowered the size of the window

How To Use the "Up" Keyboard Shortcut 1

This window is 600px wide; shouldn’t I have an easier way to go Up? Well, I do… if I just hit the following key combination:


Now I’m in the parent directory – that is so much better!!!How To Use the "Up" Keyboard Shortcut 2

This is also the fastest way to get to the Desktop folder – just keep pressing Alt+Up until you get to the folder you want.

Here are some other keyboard shortcuts for Explorer:

  • Alt+Right – Go forward
  • Alt+Left- Go back
  • Alt+D – Focus the address bar and select the current path.
  • F4 – Pop up the dropdown in the address bar, actually somewhat useful.
  • Alt+Enter – Properties of the selected file
  • Ctrl+Mousewheel – change the size of the icons
  • F11 – Put explorer into Fullscreen mode.

Well, there you go, fellow computer repairs DIYers.

Over and out


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